Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Week 4. Raven (Woops, too late!)

I actually draw this one last week, but I was busy and I forgot to color it, so yeah.. Few days late, but here it is!

The feathers came out really good, I'm so happy about that!


Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 3: Maneki Necro

I can't believe I actually forgot to post my week 3 drawing.. This one is called Maneki Necro, cause its a Maneki Neko, but its dead, so Necro.. Heheh.

Assassin's Creed Unity Review

This is my first review I've ever written. I'm not a professional at this stuff, but I'll try and do my best to give my opinion about the videogames I play. I hope you'll enjoy reading this. :)

For years I've been a big big big HUGE fan of the Assassin's Creed series. I've played and finished them all, except the ones on PSP, cause I dont own a PSP anymore. I've played 1, 2/Brotherhood and Revelations on XBOX360, Black Flag and now also Unity on PS4. 
So, the moment was finally there again in November. A new Assassin's Creed game. I must admit I haven't watched a lot of trailers, maybe 1 or 2, but I was excited as ever. Unfortunately I had to work A LOT in December and with all the holidays and other crap, I didn't have much time to play. I was halfway through the story in January, but I finally had time to play more! Time to finish this game!

Click the Read More link to continue reading.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Week 2: Darth Vader

Lately I've been rewatching Star Wars again and I never made a Star Wars related drawing, so here's Darth Vader! This was a tricky one though, I used some references and drew the Death Star about three times, cause I wasnt satisfied with it. But I love how it came out eventually.

I'm actually thinking of getting this one tattooed on my thigh some day. I love Star Wars!


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week 1: Hummingbird

As I mentioned in my previous post; I want to make at least one drawing every week. I forgot to make progress pics though..

Here's my first drawing of 2015!

Yay hummingbird! I wanted to do something with a lot of colors, cause I normally dont use a lot of color. And I wanted a different pose than the typical hummingbird pose. So yeah, I'm very satisfied with it :D.

New Year's Resolutions

2015 started a few days ago and I post a post about this on Tumblr, but forgot to share it here. Great way to start my blog, right? :'D

Once again, happy newyear everyone! I hope you all have a good one! 
This year I actually have some new year resolutions, because there were some things I'd like to change about myself.

  • Make at least one drawing every week. I haven't made a single drawing last year and that's just unacceptable. Gotta draw more!!
  • Dress up more. I have a shitload of pretty clothes and all I've been wearing are my comfy, boring workclothes or comfy, lazy clothes when I have a day off. (Except if I'm going out ofcourse.) But I'm sick of that! I want to dress up, do my hair and make-up and look pretty (almost) every day! I absolutely love being creative with clothes^^.
  • Take more pictures!
  • Eat healthier. Like every year.
  • Start a blog/vlog. (Oh hey! :D)
  • Be more careful with money.
Last year was my lazy year, but this year I want to do more, be more creative and stop being a lazy ass. Let's do this!



Yesterday I took some pictures wearing my Halloween costume again! Well, part of it. On Halloween, I painted half my body black, but that took quite some time and I didn't want to do that again, so I just painted my neck and wore an other top (I also didn't want to clean my shower again XD.) This was by far my favorite outfit I ever wore to a Halloween party. I won the contest as well, but I wasn't allowed to actually win, cause I work at the bar where the party took place. Damnit! Still, it was an amaaazing night.

Here are the pictures I took yesterday!

Top: Lip Service
Horns: eBay
Make-up: Black costume make-up and basic black eyeliner/mascara/lipstick.
Lenses: I forgot where I bought those..


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hellooo everyone and welcome to my blog!

First thing: this blog is still under heavy construction, but I haven't got time to dust off my HTML/CSS-skills yet. It's still pretty basic, but that'll change in the future.

So! Let me introduce myself. My name is Marie-Louise, better known as IWalkedWithAZ0mbie on Tumblr. I'm 25 years old, I live in the Netherlands and this is my face:

I wanted to start a blog for a reaaally long time now, but I guess I was to lazy to actually go for it. But hey, new year, so let's not be lazy for once!
I want to dedicate this blog to the things I like. Clothes, shoes, goth stuff, videogames, anything. Stuff I want, stuff I bought, stuff I wear, stuff I like. There will be outfitposts and I might try and make (Let's Play) video's. I'm scared to death to make video's, cause I've never done that before on my own, but we'll see.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy my blog. Subscribe if you want (I don't even know if that's possible..), leave comments, you know the drill!